your very own stalker

Saturday 28 April 2007


i wish i was part of it. but fate made it so i wasn't. maybe it's all for the better. i feel so rejected and outcasted. the whole experience seems so fun, enjoyable and self-satisfying, i can just imagine how i would have felt right before the performance, during it, after it, when the results were out. it would have been fantastic. and i know if i had been given the chance to participate, i would have put my whole heart into it. not that im not rejoicing with the team, im still a part of the club and i certainly support the team fully. its just different when youre watching from the sidelines you know? its so horrible that 30 seconds can just change your future for the next 3 months. maybe im not cut out for it, maybe i never was. i dont know what im good for in life anymore. no matter how i try, i cant quite fit into it, one way or another. no matter how much i try to make a change, it never works out for the better. maybe im not trying hard enough. what is 'hard'? ive never been given the chance to experience how competitions felt till this year. i really just dont get it. why doesnt the experience from house performances affect me in any way. so why is it still like this. how resigned to fate should i be?


Sunday 8 April 2007

my 18th birthday

yesterday was good :) i really had a happy birthday. (thank you sondra! for organising everything and giving me a lot of lovely surprises!) okay. so first. it was friday night! met the mae sotters for a gathering! and theyre really a funny bunch of people. heehee. ming is so inconspicuous i tell you. haha. mayonaisse fruit salad. haha! the food was fanastic, the company irreplaceable. what more could i ask for. even cat tong and jack squared were there! :) yay. anyway, despite ming's poor attempts at hiding my surprise from me, i really was surprised! i didnt expect the cake for me shawn and ming! (happy birthday guys!) yes, she surprised herself without knowing it. HAHA! the hallmark detective show was really invigorating. and thank you jack shawn and ming for the unexpected (not sarcastic) present! love it. i really had a lot a lot of fun. :) yays.

7TH APRIL 2007.

it all started with my piano teacher scolding me. (way to start the day.) then i went home to change again to go to fish and co. and yes i was late again. i arrived at dhoby ghaut at 10.52am. then i was looking for trudy and she was confusing! i ended up calling her 5 times and going up and down the escalator alot of times! and after all that. i realised we were waiting at different entrances. SIGH. anyway, so when i was getting lost, i met yvonne and algae! :) and algae gave me nice chocolates! (thank you algae!) okay. fast forward past all the traumatic times of trudy's (oh yes. give props to trudy for being the first one to come!) we ended up in fish and co more than 1 hr after expected time. i ordered my first cocktail legally. (yes don, hoho.) and the fish and chips are really the awesomest! see: but before i got that, sondra told the waiter to give me my present instead of the lunch. and i was totally happy! i wasnt even caring for the lunch la. i was reading the card! and i love it. thank you to everyone who wrote in it and thank you sondra again! :) and i love the bag! yay. i have a crumpler!!! thank you judokas! okay. after lunch, let me tell you about the VERY EMBARRASSING EXPERIENCE. i think its probably one of the most embarrassing in my life. even more embarrassing than lying on the floor of far east plaza. the waitresses came and asked me to stand on the chair. then i was like huh? and i was wearing a skirt! i scared i zao geng. so the waitress said she'd stand behind me to block me. then they made me hold a sparkler and they announced to the whole restaurant that it was my birthday! omg. i was damn embarrassed. then they started rapping some birthday thing. it was hilarious! hahaha. and ya it was quite sweet la. in the sondra-likes-to-sabo-me way. and yes, im used to it. so i was very touched. and very full so i refused to eat my birthday ice cream. then they took a polaroid that looks like this and wrote on a postcard for me and gave me a fish. after that, yimin came. and she gave me more chocolates! (today is fat day.) thank you yimin! this picture has no relevance. its just funny. haha.

then the captain and the monster got rather horny. i hope this doesnt become a trend. i shall tolerate it on my birthday only okay! haha.i will only accept this: :)

1. proof that lau yu don actually came.
2. proof that lau yu don actually agreed to take a picture.

the rest of the day was not quite as exciting. we just moped around and went shopping. im sure the guys were bored. maybe except don. look at him shopping. haha. oh ya alvin and boon ping came late. haha! they missed the "good" parts of the day. here's a funny story: boon ping came for my birthday, but he didnt even wish me. even after i wished him. and its not even his birthday! okay. maybe he did. he looked at rachel and wished me. (rachel, its not that funny.) its quite sad really. oh well. thank you for your enthusiastic wishing, bp. its appreciated.
look at toodee. haha! so cute.
THANK YOU JUDOKAS. it really was a great celebration. i love you all! :)

at night, after getting real irritated with my dad, i went to have family dinner! it was alright. just the normal expected dinner. even my sister said it was boring. she said she should have brought me to watch 300 and then hit the pubs. and i wouldnt mind!!! actually, please. you guys should have done that! but neh mind. the dinner was still good. food was fantastic as usual. this is why im still so fat. so, introducing some of my family:

my spastic nephew, alun. (haha!)

my spastic sister lu and her goddaughter (my niece) amy.

sheesh. am i the only sane one in this family?

then we became good catholics and rushed (so we didnt have time for desert) to st theresa's home for easter vigil mass. i was trying not to fall asleep. its times like these that i really treasure the happening st ignatius masses. so after that, we went to che che lu's place (one of my favourite places on earth) to cut cake!

to all those who dont know my family, if the kids dont get to blow out the candles on any cake, they will cry.

i love my kids.