your very own stalker

Wednesday 26 March 2008

the best concert everrr!

dear readers,
not that there're many... but since i'm hopeful,
yes, sondra, please nod incessantly now.
have a few pictures but too lazy to post them now. anyway, they're all just mainly sondra, me and a bunch of pink hands.
anyway, yeah! the whole entire indoor stadium was up on their feet dancing (as was i) throughout the entire thing! we were having so much fun, we didn't even realise that we had been dancing for over an hour non stop and they had sung almost every famous song and some less famous ones for so long that it was the end of the concert.
everyone was still screaming and shouting "i love you"s in the dark AFTER the band went off stage that they had to come back and play their encore she will be loved. omg they're really damn good. adam levine was on pitch even though he sang like 20 songs non stop and played his guitar as well. he even sang the kanye west song and sunday morning (ahh!) and yes he sang many songs from songs about jane (yay!). the drummer was so fantastic man, he was rocking sweat. wow, that night was really really really good.

okay, if you all are jealous of me now, don't worry. let me tell you how i've been dreading my jobs, yes not just job, but jobS. because for some dumb reason (dumb being christy) i've undertaken two jobs that are nearly exactly the same, THEN i realised that i absolutely hate the jobs.
it's not that teaching is a bad job, it's just that I am not cut out for teaching. absolutely not. no way. how do i know this? well, first of all, i DREAD going to work, i dread doing the stuff for work, even if they're just powerpoint slides or photocopying worksheets. it sucks even more because i can't connect with one or two classes and things get REALLY bad when you're around kids who don't like you. at least if they quite like you, you enjoy going to classes and hanging out with them and you get it better cos the kids respect you enough to at least hear you out. but nooooo, i mean it's not possible to have all your classes like you, i know, but it's just doubly / triply / quadruply hard when they do.
i miss those days odd-jobbing at starhub and having a lot of time to chill and go to the gym. :( i actually liked going to all my past jobs. i'd rather go to a small office at the hotel ten times more than going to school/tuition everyday. sigh, i liked it much better when i was the student. maybe this is retribution for my bad student behaviour when i was in secondary and jc. damn. i just thought it was simple because the hours and the pay is not bad but just to tell you all, the work is three times more than the amount they pay you.
okay, i'm just ranting but yeah i really can't stand it anymore! i didn't think i'd ever say this but jac yip, please come back to school!
something, please save me now. i beg you. i really hate my job.


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