your very own stalker

Thursday 19 July 2007

racial harmony day 2007!

oh dear, so sad. this is going to be our last racial harmony day ever! no more boring screenings about the 1965 riots or accounts by cjc librarians, no more pledging, bhangra dancing, mr kwee on stage, dressing up, yummy food (please, something else other than noodle king!). so sad. :( ok i wont go on very much cos i need to study. and if youre reading this, go study after you finish!! studying is important.

smoking corner

thanks to ronald's amazing phototaking skills
in which we had no time to get ready for the picture.

david the girl

miss too-hot-to-wear-proper-coverage
sexxaye china / nonya ladies
nah, for you poh poh.
shufen! the only judo person i have a picture with. im sorry i didnt take picture with sondra and siti and martina and yvonne and eileen and chiang! though i did try to look for chiang. but she was running away from me as usual :(

mister chest hair
sorry pet goh who took like 5 of the same pictures.

sweaty wait outside the PAC.

we really had nothing to do and a lot of time. see lah they took so long lor.
seee boon and pam i want to take photos with you okay! you whiners.

ok hope you enjoyed yourself, better go study now! (:

Wednesday 11 July 2007

my girls. :)

When the sun shines we'll shine together
Told you I'll be here forever
Said I'll always be your friend
Took an oath, I'mma stick it out 'til the end
Now that it's raining more than ever know that we'll still have each other
You can stand under my umbrella

to my lovelies: trudy, ding, shufen, siti, rachel, yvonne, meiyi.
and honourary members: sondra, eileen, martina, min ser.

it was a team effort and im tremendously proud of you all. (: all of us were given a chance to win and it just happened that luck did not totally go our way today. maybe we didnt perform to what we expected, or what we are capable of but please do not blame yourselves. i am super proud of our team no matter what you all think and i think you are all proud of our team too okay. its not that we didnt have the ability, we just made a few mistakes. and everybody makes mistakes.
i love you all more than ever and these two years have been fantastic awesome fabulous and absolutely great with you all around. i treasure the friendships nurtured between every single one of us after all the training, shit, bbqs, punishments, 100 plus gatherings, al-amein (?) dinners, training camps, competitions, post-competition outings, training and just everything we've gone through together. its been a great pleasure to be part of this team.

eye of the tiger.

Sunday 1 July 2007

AKUILALA CONCERT! first time one night only and we went for it!!!

AHHHH! omg it was fantastic FANTASTIC!!! ahhhh runs around and jumps around like crazy! thank youu shufen for giving me your ticket! it was the ultimatetest fun in the world. its the best night ever i swear! thank you coach (AH-KUI-LA-LA! EEEEEEEEEEE!!!!) and mr koh (oh, toilet ah? not that far.. just 5 minutes only. maybe 2 minutes. aiya, depends how you walk lah!) you all are the BEST i tell you!

sorry trudy for making you run a marathon being the (ironically) only one who wore heels. thank you for sharing cab with me sondra and siti (farmer c sells medicine. haha.) ok im sorry this post is all full of inside jokes.

for all those who dunno whats going on. lets begin right at the beginning. ie. end of training after most of the clubbers went home when me, trudy, yvonne and sondra were near the drink vending machines talking about.. uhm. i cant remember.

so anyway, we suddenly heard shufen rachel and siti laughing their asses off (seriously, rachel's moved to 3 different benches while she was rolling in laughter. i watched) in front of noodle king. coach and tan yi were there too... uhm. cant remember who else.
"huh? what are they laughing at?"
"dunno. must be funny."
so we went towards them. apparently this is what happened.
coach: -takes phone away from ear- "who wants to go watch the christina ah-eeslfdihl-la concert?"
siti, shufen, rachel: huh? the what?
coach: "ah-wee-rala"
siti, shufen, rachel: "ah wee what? the what?"
coach: "ah-kui-lala! you want to watch christina ah-kui-lala or not!"
so in the end we said yes! very excitedly! then coach said want or not! then we said yes! then we were talking then he was like want or not! then we said yes! then he was telling us about how mr koh is a bodyguard (super cool right!!!!!) then he was like want or not! then we were like YES! then we had to settle which 4 of us were going. then he was like "aiya you all go settle yourselves lah".

so after 1st round of gruelling shiais, sondra, siti, trudy and shufen emerged as champions. (actually the rest of us voluntarily gave them the matches but they dont know that so ssh.)
however after the 2nd round, in a surprising turn of events, shufen tapped the dojo.. not because she was in arm lock... not because of choking but because of..... (tension) PERSONAL REASONS! and gave the position to christy! (omg i wish lah ive never won a match before!) thank you shufen.. sorry your mum didnt let you go. :(

so yes trudy rushed to her rural city of hougang to bathe and change while me sondra and siti went to my and sondra's house respectively. we changed bathed and were ready to rock and roll at 6.30! (: plus i bought pocky!
and i got rejected by an old taxt driver! :( he didnt wanna go indoor stadium! and i could have persuaded him except he spoke chinese so i was literally at a loss for words. sigh. but the next taxi uncle was nice and funny and drove us right to the indoor stadium even though he had to go through much jams. (next time dont eat jam for breakfast ah. eat butter and kaya) yes and he kept joking with us! (GST = Government Say Thankyou.) haha!

then we realised. we have no dinner! so we went to buy fish crackers. haha. meanwhile trudy said she was lost. and we were like panicking. then she said she found it. then we were like yay! but she took super long to reach. poor thing! she was in high heels and rushing! sorry trudy!
christina is really amazing man. you should see how many different types of people she reaches out to. there were many middleagers then there were "hip youngsters" like us. then there were aunties with sequinned jeans and 3 angmoh ladies in platinum blonde (actually they were white) wigs and fishnet stockings. so cool!

so FINALLY we went in and we were like screaming the whole way like "omg!!! this is so exciting! ah!!!" hahaha we were damn excited. it was damn exciting seeing the stage and all the curtains and the props at the back (we had side seats so we could see) and we were like really close to the stageee!! i mean for complimentary tickets, they were FREAKING good. then the thing started and everything went dark and everyone screameed!!! then the projectors went on and everyone just kept on screaming! it was super exciting i tell you!! then the curtains came up and we saw the band then the dancers came out and omggg.


and so the concert began.
the band started playing the tune that i used to HATE but at that moment on, i was like. this is the best thing in the universe. it was "aint no other man" the trumpet like thing. then this stage came out and the projectors showed her silouette before we even saw the stage.


we were all like aaaaaaaaahhh! the whole stadium was cheering like mad! then the music came "dum dum dum dum dum dum dum dum *high trumpet sound" silence. then christina went "heeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyy!" you know as part of the song and we were like.
OMMMMMMMMMGGGGG. her voice is superr awesome flawless i tell you!!!

so the stage lit up and she was in this white jumpsuit like thing but much nicer and a white hat and a white belt and she looked absolutely amazing and you could see her baby bump! ah! so cute!

so she sang a few songs from her new album. not familiar with a lot of them so cant really remember.

i saw her steal sips of water (inconspiciously) handed to her by her dancers! she was trying to hide it though. like she tries to "hide" during her costume changes. haha but no fault in that. i mean, she is human.

then there was this white shorts costume that had a pretty skirt attached to it at first. its so cool like all her costumes are like detachable so sometimes she switches her costumes on stage without taking any clothes off. haha.

long skirt... must have been some slow dramatic song. sondra trudy siti, enlighten me! i cant remember!
so yes. white shorts. thats what you got when she took off her skirt thingy.
her talented dancers! it was like a old time bar kind of feel.. there were like chairs and tables and a piano right in the middle and the dancers were just dancing all over the place and all over everything!
a red shorts costume with old school chairs and piano and all and it was sooo amazing. and the dancing. she was like dancing and singing and walking and singing and walking down props and singing. and she sounded AMAZING. PERFECT. PITCH PERFECT. like her albums except better and the band was SO GREAT! and you know what she didnt even like lose it. not even once. no cracking of voice no wrong pitch. nothing. she was absolutely GREAAT! she's a super fantastic performer.
and omggg she sang what a girl wants reggae remix ahhh! my favourite songgg omg i enjoyed it a lott! i didnt record it though. not that it would have made any difference. can only hear screams in the recordings. she also sang other old song remixes including "can't hold us down", "what a girl wants" (ah! my favourite song!) and "come on over". we didnt expect she'd be singing songs from her other albums lah. we were pleasantly surprised.

did i mention that she threw her sweat into the audience somewhere here! haha. when she did that siti was like OMG! and grabbed my hand. (siti, i know its just cos you wanted to grab my hand. dont need to hide it you know. haha) yeah i have a lot of these pictures.. not bad ah, my photography.

then here she mellowed down and started telling an undetailed story about her childhood and like abuse in the household. so sad right! i think i almost cried. haha. dont laugh at me! it was sad k. then she said she loved her mother a lot so she sang "oh mother" in dedication of her. awww..

then omg. the props for "baby girl"! the dancers are super talented.

there was a fire thrower and people hanging from those swinging things in circuses and people on stilts and acrobats..

it was super cute! and the fire throwers were so talented they were doing flips over each other and everything

then christina came out in this dartboard thing like she was hanging there but actually there was a platform lah. it was super cool!

and omg it was so great. but then all the things disappeared after only one song... a bit wasted right? the props were really damn elaborate and all of us were like so amazed! we even pointed the props out before the concert began! screaming "so exciting!"

oh yeah then this is the carousel horse! (: but i forgot what she sang on it.

but wow towards the end was just like wow. it was all like hit songs know and unexpected and we were all like ahhhh! it was damn hyped up.
okok this is the beginning of "candyman"! you know the drunk sailors singing. yeah! these are the drunk sailors. haha so cute right!

ok so this song onwards.. thats when things really really picked up. she sang hit after hit! everyone was cheering and singing along. it was so nice (:

hit number one: candyman

photo of the projector.. haha. sorry! couldnt see her face from where i was sitting.

hit number 2: hurt

she sat on this circus thing you know those circular platforms that elephants stand on? like the one in her video... and she was like in this shimery long coat thing. sorry photo quality not too fantastic.

hit number 3: lady marmalade

when this song came on, everyone was shocked cos well, its not really HER song firstly. and secondly, it's quite old but yeah everyone was pleasantly surprised.

i think siti was the most surprised though. must be one of her favourite christina songs cos she turned to me and was like "OMG ITS VOI LE VUKOU SHE AVE MOI" and i looked at her and it was like. (silence) WHAAT? siti is hilarious i swear.

hit number 4: beautiful

all of us we were just like swaying and singing and ah it was sooo enjoyable. ok i couldnt sway my hands (ok sorry siti.... my hands were full!) and she ended off with fighter!
then poof! confetti!
could see why she sang fighter lah i think it must be the most relevant song to her life.
all in all it was a GREAT and wonderful night! absolutely fantastic! i had the time of my life!! :)

the end.
that's from sondra.


okay yay! finally my own pictures! just the nicer ones lah. 99 pictures in total so i have to pick and choose. firstly, a few judo bbq pictures! (i wont put the unglam pictures to save you from embarrassment. heehee.)

rachel see we told you you were super drunk... and that was even before you drank your "alcohol"

trudy act cute

me showing my skills at pool. i was good ok! except when i was partnered with kenneth.

mini sondra! (haha how true.)

drunk rachel again.

drunk rachel trying to cover the fact that shes drunk.

did i mention that she demanded for cold water served in a BOTTLE? yvonne had to go around looking for a bottle for her! poor yvonne.

i dont know these people they werent at my house.
