your very own stalker

Wednesday 29 August 2007


OMG EVERYONE! HAIRSPRAY IS THE BEST MOVIE IN THE WORLD!!! omg i tell you i almost cried! it's so sweet i tell you!!! and it's super funny! i won't reveal anything here. you go watch it! (: i bought the soundtrack too! but i have to say the songs sound nicer when i was watching the movie. but never mind! i'm listening to the songs till i go sick! hahaha. thank you huxin, boon, pam, foxy and lalee for watching with me!!! more movies after A levels! aaaaaaahhhhh and thank you mummy for letting me watch. it was the best destressing movie in the world!!!!


Sunday 12 August 2007

judo farewell (:


omg im so sorry girls the worst just happened! you know i took a lot of photos outside without flash and it looked damn nice on my camera then when i transferred it to my computer it turned out really dark and cant really see! omg im so sorry ah. i feel so horrible. got a lot of potentially nice shots know :( and and you know the ones take with flash look damn unglamourous on the camera but on the computer it was like super nice! omg. i hate technology. now i know ok! i wont make the same mistake again the next time we go out. i really didnt know cos it looked nice on my camera. (p.s. thanks joey for accidentally taking some nice ones with flash) so, martina, eileen, those who brought cameras on saturday, please help me out and load your photos somewhere. i promise next time it wont happen! this means that after As we must plan another outing at night and take lots of photos! (btw, my only photo w wensheng also got darkened. (yay!) i mean. (oops.))

p.s. i took like 110 plus pictures altogether. so i have to selectively choose to load. ok? (: thank you for your understanding.

meanwhile, here are the ones that i managed to salvage. as you can see, some photos are really dark compared to the normal ones. sorry! but im sure you all understand. love (: enjoy!

good idea to start with our very glamourous captain, no?

pretty rachel!

fat tummy competition. winner: he mei ding. second: christiana tan. disqualified: lai mei yi

the 4 judo guys

the whole club! i think.

end (ok go study now)